miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

Road trip across Europe

No, it's not about road trip memories. It's about something I said I would do, sometimes in the near future.

I'd like to go on a trip across Europe, from Bucharest to Barcelona and back, through Hungary, Austria, Germany, France and of course, Spain. It would be quite an adventure, something to talk about for years. Something to remember for the rest of my life, something to capture in photos and share with friends.

Magie in alb-negru

Nimic nu se compara cu farmecul filmelor vechi in alb-negru. Au un farmec aparte, ceva ... nu stiu ce, dar care le lipseste filmelor din perioada moderna.

luni, 27 decembrie 2010

Dans le détroit du Lac Érié (In the strait of Lake Erie) - part 4

A piece of Romania, in the heart of America

Michigan is home to some 40.000 Romanians, the 4th largest community in America. It’s almost impossible not to meet Romanians on the streets, especially in the suburbs of Detroit. Although most of them have been Americanized, you can still see the home land in their eyes and soul. And let’s not forget their overwhelming hospitality, something most people back home have long forgotten.

duminică, 26 decembrie 2010

Dans le détroit du Lac Érié (In the strait of Lake Erie) - part 3

Motor Rock City and the green Michigan

When you say Detroit you say automotive, as the city is home of the Big Three companies: Chrysler, General Motors and Ford and it hosts the famous North American International Auto Show, where concept cars are introduced to the public. Also, in the suburbs of Detroit there is the Henry Ford Museum, the largest indooroutdoor history museum, a National Historic Landmark.

sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010

Dans le détroit du Lac Érié (In the strait of Lake Erie) - part 2


The second thing that struck me upon arrival as a European was the people (right after the buildings, of course). There was something different about them compared to what you usually see in Europe. It took me a while to realize what it was, and it happened in a funny way...

vineri, 24 decembrie 2010

Dans le détroit du Lac Érié (In the strait of Lake Erie) - part 1

America through the eyes of a European

Somewhere in Great Lakes area a river travels south from Lake Saint Clair to Lake Erie. It is there that Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac with fifty-one French Canadians founded a settlement called Fort Ponchartrain du Détroit, back in 1701. In our days the city that got its name from the Detroit River (French: le détroit du Lac Érié, meaning the strait of Lake Erie) stretches over an area of 143.0 square miles (370 km2) and it is known to the entire world as a traditional automotive center.

joi, 23 decembrie 2010

Am citit candva o carte (partea I)

Una din putinele carti care m-au impresionat, este o carte (sau cartulie) pe care am citit-o in perioada liceului. Atata efect a avut cartea asta asupra mea, incat nu numai ca-mi amintesc si acum de ea ci chiar reusesc sa retraiesc sentimentele ce le-a trezit in mine acum mai bine de 15 ani.

Despre femei (partea a III-a)

Deci sa continuam cu categoriile. Poate unii dintre voi asteptau cu nerabdare continuarea. Sau poate nu :))

Un cititor nou

Mai tineti minte episodul ala din Seinfeld - The pool guy, cand George spune ca daca Susan logodnica lui se imprieteneste cu Jerry, Elaine si Kramer the worlds collide?

miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010

Stupid me?

Tocmai am refuzat un masaj thailandez cu finalizare.
Motivul? Tipa era din ... Slobozia :)))

So ... stupid me? :)))

About the dark side

So I was talking with somebody about this movie - The Black Swan. I haven't seen it and I don't know if I ever will, altough I like some of the actors. It's just that the title suggests the movie itself is boring.

The thing is this "somebody" tells me she doesn't think (Yes, it's a she. Now wipe that devilish smile off your face. It's not what you think.) one can activate the dark side in him/herself by using the power of suggestion.

marți, 21 decembrie 2010

Dobitocii soselelor - inca o data

Nici n-a trecut o luna de la anteriorul eveniment de genul asta, ca deja m-am trezit stand la coada pe DN1. Yes, again. Si din nou in faimoasa curba de la intrarea in Saftica. Si din nou unul a intrat pe contrasens in niste oameni nevinovati. Si din nou, dobitocul venea dinspre Bucuresti.

duminică, 19 decembrie 2010

Sfantul Paul? Give me a break!

Am dat like la o chestie pe Facebook - se numeste AFCN (as f**e ceva nou). Na, ca tot omul :P Sau, in fine ... aproape ca tot omul :)))
Pana aici, nimic neobisnuit. Chestia e ca unora nu le-a picat bine. Adica cica e vulgaritate.

Pai stati asa putin... Adica scrie pe undeva, pe mine ca sunt Sfantul Paul sau ce? Adica eu n-am voie sa f*t, sau cum?

What Facebook is lacking

I think Facebook is incomplete ... I do! I mean, think about it: it is supposed to take care of our social lives, right? What does social life mean - interacting with other people, isn't it? Well, let's see how Facebook does this...

joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Despre barbati (partea a II-a)

Cred ca nu se poate vorbi despre barbati fara a pomeni si despre chestiunile care au generat zicale gen women ... can't live with them ...

Deci este vorba despre incercarea noastra (esuata dupa parerea multora), a barbatilor, de a intelege femeile si despre ceea ce unii le-ar numi problemele noastre cu ele.

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

I am Leonidas

I did it. 13 km (8 miles) on foot through my hometown. From West to North, downtown to South and back. After 10 years of nicotine and sedentarism, I decided to make a change. And today, I made a big step towards that.

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Despre barbati (partea I)

Dupa cum spuneam si aici, corect este sa vorbim si despre barbati. Bine ... sa vorbim ... de fapt vorbesc (adica scriu) eu iar voi cititi :)

Se spune ca barbatii sunt niste oameni simpli (nu zic din topor, cum ar vrea niste rautacioase, pentru ca totusi vorbesc despre specia mea :))). Nu m-am prins daca in comparatie cu femeile, sau asa in general. Eu spun ca este adevarat, insa exista si exceptii. La urma urmei, unde nu exista exceptii?

Despre femei (partea a II-a)

Am avut ocazia, in niste ani de viata, sa cunosc o gama variata de femei. Scuze pentru folosirea cuvantului gama in acest context - poate nu e cel mai potrivit. In general am asociat fiecare tip de femeie cu un anumit ... nu sentiment, ci hai sa-i spunem feeling - varianta in engleza mi se pare mai la obiect. Apoi, in timp, cand imi venea in minte d-ra X sau Y hop si feeling-ul.